Thursday, September 16, 2010

7 Days in September Response

I really enjoyed the movie that we viewed in class about the events that took place during the week on Spetember 11th, 2001. The part of the movie that I felt was the most impactful was the raw footage that made up the majority of the movie. We have all seen the images of the towers falling and the same clips over and over again, but this documentary shed a different light on the tradegy as well as the days that followed. I appreciated the different viewpoints that we got to experience because in many ways, it made the event that much more real and relateable.
I remember Spetember 11th, but not well enough to recount exactly what I thought. I know that after a day or two, the incident didn't seem real cause we were hundreds of miles away in Chicago. The movie brought everyone into the center of the horrific experience. You saw the towers fall from a block away, you passed the people covered in debrise on the street, you watched as firefighters and policemen passed you on the street to head towards ground zero. It wasn't just some event in New York anymore, I felt like the entire thing was much more real than I had ever known before.