Thursday, December 16, 2010


1.     After viewing both of the sites, I feel that I have a better understanding of what each side of the argument is as well as which points both sites hoped to highlight. I thought that NARAL- Pro Choice America had a more inviting and user-friendly site. The visitor was not bombarded with facts or pictures, but rather was presented the side without much imposition of ideas. Of course, I might have thought this way because of my stance on the issue. I found the National Right to Life website a little more invasive and up front about the issues that surround abortion. I thought the pictures were very graphic and the details of the procedure were surprising, but I felt myself somewhat questioning my position after viewing the sight. Given that emotional response, I figured that the sight must have at least been slightly effective.
2.     As a 17 year-old girl, I have to say I would not be thrilled about having my parents know I was considering an abortion, but I do feel that it is important for the parents to know if their daughter is planning on having the procedure. I only consider this because I would want my parents to be concerned and willing to help me in any way they could given a situation like a teenage pregnancy. I do not, however, feel that the parents of a minor should have consent of the abortion unless the girl is under the age of 17. I feel this way simply because by the age of 17, contrary to what some science may prove, I think a girl is educated enough to decide what may be best for her and her unborn child.
3.     I think that the father should be notified of a daughter wanting or receiving an abortion because as a parent he would be equally as responsible for protecting his child as the mother. I can see why a man may not have an educated stance on pregnancy simply because they do not have to go through it, but as a father one has the responsibility to take care of his children.
4.     Illinois law at this point seems to have restrictions on access and use of abortions, but still has it available with the consent of either parents or spouse. I think that most of Illinois’ laws are properly laid out because there should be some restrictions on the availability of abortions and the reasons women are seeking them. I would change the law that states that no insurance can be offered to cover an abortion simply because it is a medical procedure and some people need the support of insurance companies if they need or want an abortion.