Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In a Heartbeat Final Reflection

There is a saying that Leigh Anne Touhy carries around with her on a little card. It is a saying by Bill Graham and one that Sean and Leigh Anne have taken very seriously since they were married. The saying goes, "The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. The greatest waste in all our earth, which can not be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day". It may seem that the Touhy's continue to reiterate the same point- they give and they feel giving is essential- but that's just it. Part of the reason the family puts so much emphasis on giving is because they have completely immersed themselves into the act and roles of giving, helping, and caring. The last part of their book really rounded out this point because in the entire story, not once do they seem pretentious about their helping or flaunt the charity they have done. Sean and Leigh Anne do what they do because they are rooted in the value of helping those in need. Many people will give to a charity and then speak about their donations for weeks, others might help out at a food kitchen, but again it becomes a public display of the good people should be doing out of the goodness of their hearts; not to gain some sort of societal approval.The book and the Touhy's really taught me that giving isn't something you should have to be talked into, but something that you should want to do. No matter what the situation, there is someone who could be worse off than you are. Recognizing that there is always something that could be done and taking the first steps in making a difference can make everlasting impacts. This book has inspired me, as cliche and corny as that may sound, but it has really affected how I want to view myself as a person. I wish everyone could do something little because small acts can truly change the world. I like to think of myself as giving, but what does that really mean? I give when I'm pestered to give or asked to? I lend a hand cause I actually want to, not because I think karma's gonna help me out at some point? This book really made me think of how important it is to stop and take a look around every once in a while because who really knows the kinds of things you could be missing.