Monday, May 9, 2011

Illinois Pension Crisis and SB7

While researching the actual legislation that is being discussed around the pension crisis in Illinois, I found a website,, that allowed me an inside look at what is actually being changed as well as what changes within the writing will help or hurt the current issue. Some of the background info of what the bill lays out is as follows:

Key Provisions of Senate Bill 7

Educators Voices Will Be Heard

From the beginning of discussions, IEA,IFT,CTU refused to give in on the subject of our

members’ collective bargaining rights,

collective bargaining in the Performance Counts proposal.

SB 7 retains teachers’ democratic right to negotiate with their employers,

despite the call for the elimination of
ensuring their professional input factors into important discussions about class size,

curriculum and other areas that impact student learning and success.

SB 7 also maintains the right to strike for both Chicago and downstate teachers.

For teachers outside of Chicago, the bill includes a provision requiring management and

labor to make their last, best offers public for 14 days after unsuccessful mediation.

Other existing strike provisions remain unchanged. For teachers in Chicago Public

Schools, the IFT and IEA were unwavering in their support of keeping CTU’s right to


Experience Counts

IEA,IFT and CTU worked hard in the face of strong opposition to ensure that

teachers’ years of experience into account in decisions about filling vacancies.

SB 7 takes
Under the bill, districts would consider numerous factors in making such decisions,

including certification, qualifications, performance and relevant experience. The definition

(criteria) of relevant experience can be bargained.

SB 7 also establishes new Reduction in Force (RIF) procedures for teachers

outside of Chicago.

Effective immediately upon passage, a complex system of “performance tiers” will be

established that:

existing law;

First, establishes categories of teaching positions, as is currently done under

Second, places teachers in each category who have the required certifications and
tiers,” which are defined based upon tenured status and varying levels of
performance ratings.

Third, places teachers in each category into one of four groups, or “performance
The bill requires that RIF notices be sent 45 days (previously 60) before the end of the school term. In addition, it defines that qualifications can now include criteria other than legal ones, but districts have strict timelines on publishing qualifications and job descriptions for positions prior to sending RIF notices.

Finally, ranks teachers within each category by seniority.
Existing collective bargaining agreements with RIF sequence language will be grandfathered until expiration, or until June 30, 2013, whichever comes sooner.

Tenure that Ensures High-Quality Teachers Lengthy and serious discussion in this area resulted in positive changes in current tenure laws, which will take effect after PERA implementation. IEA, IFT and CTU believe these changes our best new teachers are granted tenure benefits within reasonable timeframes. will promote the integrity of the teaching profession by ensuring that
Under SB 7, the standard probationary period to obtain tenure remains four years.
To obtain tenure during a
four-year period a teacher must:
have two “proficient” or “excellent” ratings in two of the last three years;
o a “proficient” or “excellent” rating is required in the fourth year.
IEA, IFT and CTU were able to negotiate an accelerated tenure process into SB 7
to allow exceptional new teachers the ability to achieve tenure in just three years. To obtain tenure in a each of his/her first three years. SB 7 will also provide the benefit of three-year period a teacher must receive “excellent” ratings intenure portability within Illinois districts when:
The teacher is granted tenure in one district, and
When either of the two criteria are met, a teacher, upon moving to a new district, will be Eligible for tenure in that district in two years with “excellent” performance. This provision will take effect after PERA implementation.

These provisions will allow teacher's rights to be heard and respected without the elimination or silencing of teachers unions. Much of the writing also included the importance of maintaining the pension system and finding other ways to solve Illinois' "Broke" state. With the help of SB7, the pension crisis may have a light at the end of the tunnel.